Trip to Liechtenstein

We just returned from (another) trip to Liechtenstein: the place we visit once or twice a year as a mini expedition and holiday.



Liechtenstein is still pretty wanted, since there are only about 6 amateurs in the country. And the amateurs there prefer digital modes, so CW and phone usually cause a pile-up. Our location is Steg, which is between two mountains. The local amateurs say you can’t make QSO’s from there because of those mountains, but this year we worked China, Japan, Australia, New-Zealand, USA, Canada and most of Europe. Probably due to excellent conditions, because the antenna is just a simple dipole attached to the light pole in front of the cabin, as you can see at the picture.

Other activities comprise flying drones, eating, drinking, hiking and creating new projects for the amateur community. Next trip is scheduled for October. Look out for HB0/PA2HGJ, HB0/PA2RDK, HB0/PA3CNO, HB0/PA3HK and HB0/PE0MGB.